RSS feeds revisited
Well according to our assessment I should have provided links to or references to my 5 feeds (excluding any other participant blogs). I think my comment on the feeds was a little more general than that... I'm not sure how to put the links in (an they may not be of that much interest to others). So I'll just list them here:
- Dance sport Australia
- Library jobs in Western Australia - career jet
- Lolcats 'n' funny pictures of cats - I can has cheezburger
- State Library of Western Australia <SLWA blog>
- Public Libraries - learning 2.0 basics.
The benefit of this additional blog is that it has made me go back to my google reader and actually see the feeds that have gone in there. Something I haven't done as I have been forging on ahead to each next stage to try to complete the course.
Now I might actually read some of them :)
XXX Harry
Dance sport Australia - hadn't thought of that one, but will endeavour to add that to my own list.